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FBT (Fused Biconical Taper) Fiber Optic Splitters. These devices splits the fiber optic signal from a single Input to two Outputs. Available in 50/50, 30/70, and 90/10 spit ratios. The optic signal is split at your desired ratio. A fiber optic splitter is different from WDM. WDM can divide the different wavelength fiber optic light into different channels. Fiber optic splitters divide the light power and send it to different channels.
Our Splitters are available in 900µm loose tube and 250µm bare fiber and 2mm buffered.
Features of Cables Plus USA Splitters:
Ordering Information:
S |
X |
XX |
XX |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
XX |
X |
XX |
X |
XX |
X |
S |
Type |
Wavelength |
Ratio |
Ports |
Package |
Pigtail Style |
Glass |
Connector |
Input Length |
Input Color |
Output 1 Length |
Output 1 Color |
Output 2 Length |
Output 2 Color |
13=1310nm |
50=50/50 |
A=1X2 |
D=45mm 250um |
1=Bare |
0=SM |
0=None |
06-6 IN |
B=Blue |
06-6 IN |
B=Blue |
06-6 IN |
B=Blue |
14=1480nm |
30=30/70 |
B=2X2 |
E=54mm 250um & 900um |
2=2mm |
1=OM1 |
1=FC/APC |
08=8 IN |
R=Red |
08=8 IN |
R=Red |
08=8 IN |
R=Red |
15=1550nm |
10=10/90 |
C=1x4 |
F=60mm 250um & 900um |
3=3mm |
2=OM2 |
2=FC/UPC |
12=1F |
W=White |
12=1F |
W=White |
12=1F |
W=White |
35=1310/1550 |
05=5/95 |
G=8.5mm 2mm, 3mm & 900um |
9=900um |
3=OM3 |
3=SC/APC |
40=1M |
Y=Yellow |
40=1M |
Y=Yellow |
40=1M |
Y=Yellow |
83=850/1300 |
01=1/99 |
H= |
4=OM4 |
4=SC/UPC |
60=1.5M |
60=1.5M |
60=1.5M |
23=1300 |
00=Other |
5=OM5 |
5=ST |
80=2M |
80=2M |
80=2M |
85=850 |
6=LC/UPC |
7=LC/APC |
X=Special |
Package Dimensions & Pigtail Style
Package Type |
Package Details |
D= |
3mm X 45mm Stainless Steel Tube (for 250um bare fiber) |
E= |
3mm X 54mm Stainless Steel Tube (for 250um bare fiber & 900um fiber) |
F= |
3mm X 60mm Stainless Steel Tube (for 250um bare & 900um fiber) |
G= |
8.5mm x 14mm x 98mm case (for 900um, 2mm & 3mm) |
H= |
90x20x10nm/100x80x10nm (for 250um & 900um fiber) |
4.8mmx4.1mmx45mm (for 250um & 900um fiber) |
P/N Example: SF13550AE90706R06R08B
Splitter, FBT, 1310/1550 Dual Wavelength, 50/50 Splitter Ratio, 1X2, 54mm, 900um, 9/125 OS2, LC/UPC, (Input) 6 Inch Red, (Output 1) 6 Inch Red, (Output 2) 8 Inch Blue