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Autoget is an intelligent portable fiber enface inspector developed by Dimension Technology. It is equipped with newest hardware and software, and with functions of auto focus, auto exposure, auto analysis, auto generate report, auto image transmission, etc. 400X Autoget can detect the defects such dirts, scratches clearly by its software.
Auto Analysis
With the deep understanding on customer’s requirement on visual inspection, the latest hardware and software, AutoGet can automatically analyze the fiber endface quality based on IEC standard or customer defined criteria. The accurate and repeatable measurement results don’t rely on the skills or experience of operator.
Instant Status Indicator
The operator can get the instant feedback of the working status and testing results, from the user interface and the 3 color LED indicator on the probe. The blue LED shows a on-going measurement. The green LED indicates the testing result is PASS while the red LED indicates the testing result is FAIL.
Auto Centering
For more accurate image analysis, AutoGet identifies the shift of fiber core and moves the core to the center automatically.
Accurate Testing Result
The optimized algorithm avoids any man-related misjudgments. The reliable endface inspection helps to ensure the product’s ultra performance in the field application.
Fast Measurement
Benefiting from the fast focusing and image analysis, AutoGet can complete the whole testing in less than 2 second. In any scenarios, AutoGet helps to make the visual.
A full series of Optional Adapters
Autoget has a full range of adapters available to meet the requirements of most fiber connector endfaces. AutoGet is simple and portable, and can be used for accurate measurement, both for factory use and for field use.
There are many tip variants which make Easyget simple to meet different requirements on inspecting.
New elbow fiber adapters
The compact design and series of adapters give AutoGet the flexibility for precise measurement, on desktop and on-site.